Our sustainability policy
Sustainable development
SPIE and its 48,000 employees are committed to providing energy transition solutions in Europe. At a time when climate change needs us to seriously engage, we are helping our customers to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint thanks to innovative, cost-effective solutions. We are modernising buildings and facilities with high-performance technical management systems, extending and reinforcing electricity networks, introducing responsible digital services, installing charging stations for electric vehicles and optimising public transport.
Our commitment to a sustainable future
SPIE Switzerland is committed to sustainability at all levels and in all its departments. Guided by our strong values – performance, proximity and responsibility – we are working towards a better world that is sustainable, responsible and inclusive.
The Group has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2003. We ensure that its principles in terms of human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption are applied. Since 2011, SPIE has placed sustainable development at the heart of its growth strategy through its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy. Its commitments are approved by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). SPIE is a partner of the European Green Recovery Alliance.
IMG 1217

An ambitious roadmap

This decade will be decisive for the future of our society and our economy. The climate crisis calls for a rapid, global transformation, with an energy transition and a digital revolution that must be synonymous with sustainable progress for every citizen. By the very nature of its business, SPIE is resolutely on the side of solutions that meet the challenges of the energy transition and sustainable digital transformation. And to go even further, the Group has made ambitious commitments to corporate social responsibility (CSR), set out in a roadmap drawn up following dialogue with its stakeholders.

Contributing to a low-carbon economy
As a pioneer in the application of the European taxonomy of sustainable activities, the Group has been calculating the green share of its sales using this methodology since 2019. In 2023, 48% of its business made a significant contribution to mitigating climate change – a high proportion compared with all listed European companies. SPIE has also set itself the target of increasing this green share even further to 50% of its sales by 2025.
The Group will use three levers to achieve this:
  • Favourable market dynamics in green activities, driven by national stimulus plans and the European Green Deal
  • Strong expectations from its customers, who are stepping up their CSR efforts and commitments to a low-carbon economy
  • Increased awareness among its employees of the performance criteria of the European taxonomy and the added value of its green solutions
Reducing SPIE's carbon footprint
As a services company, SPIE's greenhouse gas emissions are limited – 19 grams of CO2 per euro of turnover – and come mainly from its fleet of vehicles.
The Group is committed to a 25% reduction in its carbon footprint by 2025 compared with 2019 (scopes 1 and 2). This target has been developed using the scenario of the global Science-Based Target initiative, which limits the increase in temperature to 1.5 °C. It has been validated by a third-party expert commissioned by the SBTi to ensure its reliability and credibility.
Striving for excellence in safety
The occupational health and safety of its 50,000 employees remains SPIE's top priority and responsibility. SPIE has set itself the target of halving the number of serious lost-time accidents by 2025. To achieve this, it is taking action in four areas: prevention, skills development, leadership, and relations with subcontractors.
Gender equality in management
SPIE is committed to increasing the proportion of women in key management positions by 25% by 2025 compared with 2020. This target will be achieved through internal promotion and recruitment. The So'SPIE Ladies internal gender awareness network, which is active in every country, supports some of the levers used, such as raising awareness of unconscious bias, networking and mentoring. Gender diversity is now also a requirement for any recruitment shortlist for a key management position. SPIE ensures that internal training and development programmes include sufficient numbers of women to encourage internal promotion. Lastly, a number of initiatives are being implemented at our subsidiaries to raise awareness among young women of the benefits of our business lines in terms of energy transition and digital transformation.
sustainability solutions
We are committed to supporting companies in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives by providing them with innovative and sustainable solutions. Our services cover the full range of CSR issues, from reducing carbon footprint and managing energy resources to complying with social standards and promoting ethical governance. Thanks to our tailor-made solutions, we help our customers to integrate responsible practices into their business strategy, thereby promoting a positive impact on the environment, society and economy. Together, we are contributing to a more sustainable future.
Reconditioning of your IT equipment
B2B IT equipment resale solution
Carbon assessment
The IT "Bilan Carbone"
Assessment of the IT carbon footprint and establishment of an emission reduction action plan.
SPIE ICS has designed a tool for calculating and estimating carbon footprints based on the ADEME reference system (database enhanced with emission factors) and on energy consumption modelling.
  • assessment
  • recommendations
  • support
  • eco-design study
Energy efficiency in buildings
A tool for monitoring and optimising energy consumption in all types of building.
Designed to optimise the energy consumption of buildings. This solution can be adapted to all types of building, old or new, with or without existing construction technology, and is independent of manufacturers. The solution can be installed quickly, with savings seen in a matter of weeks, and the investment generally pays for itself in less than a year. This makes it an ideal solution for large-scale reduction of the overall energy costs of buildings and their CO2 emissions.
Re-Use IT

Recycle your IT equipment

IT refurbishment for greater sustainability: We work with reputable partner companies to refurbish your equipment. We can help you sell your old or surplus IT equipment.
  • Maximum return: recycle your IT equipment intelligently. We have some great offers for you. You improve your budget and invest it in new projects.
  • Save time: no need to search for buyers or compare offers. We'll take care of it and find the best price as quickly as possible.
  • Security first and foremost: we guarantee that your data will be professionally deleted. We only work with certified refurbishment partners, who recondition and reuse equipment in an environmentally-friendly way.
PR Bild reuse IT 2560x1536px
At SPIE, excellence is at the heart of everything we do. Our commitment to providing first-class services is underpinned by strict quality control processes and industry-recognised certifications. These certifications underline our commitment to delivering consistent, reliable results that meet the highest industry standards. With a continuous improvement approach, we ensure that our processes and services not only meet but exceed our customers' expectations, guaranteeing trust and long-term success.
SSC ISO9001 transparent
ISO 9001: Quality Management
SSC ISO9001 ISO14001 transparent
ISO 14001: Environmental Management
SSC ISO9001 ISO14001 ISO45001 transparent
ISO 45001 : Occupational health and safety management systems
SSC ISO20000 transparent
ISO 20000
SSC ISO IEC27001 transparent
ISO 27001: Information Security Management
SSC Eco Entreprise transparent
Eco Entreprise : Excellence
Datwyler com ecovadis sustainability rating 2023
Ecovadis Gold
Csm Eco Entreprise Logo CMJN FR 6 1c7a8bc53b
Sustainable IT

All our certifications

ISO 20000
L'ISO/CEI 20000-1:2011 est une norme de système de management des services (SMS). Elle spécifie les exigences destinées au fournisseur de services pour planifier, établir, implémenter, exécuter, surveiller, passer en revue, maintenir et améliorer un SMS. Les exigences incluent la conception, la transition, la fourniture et l'amélioration des services afin de satisfaire aux exigences de services.
ISO 27001/27017/27018
ISO/IEC 27001 est la norme la plus connue de cette famille qui n’en compte pas moins d’une douzaine. Elle spécifie les exigences relatives aux systèmes de management de la sécurité des informations (SMSI). La mise en œuvre des normes de cette famille par tout type d’organisation facilite le management de la sécurité d’actifs sensibles tels que les données financières, les documents de propriété intellectuelle, les données relatives au personnel ou les informations confiées par des tiers.
ISO 45001
ISO 45001 est la norme élaborée par l’ISO pour les organisations soucieuses d’améliorer la sécurité de leurs employés, de réduire les risques sur le lieu de travail et de créer des conditions de travail meilleures et plus sûres.
ISO 9001
La norme ISO 9001 définit les critères d'un système de gestion de la qualité. Cette norme est basée sur un certain nombre de principes de gestion de la qualité, notamment une forte orientation client, la motivation et l'implication de la direction, l'approche processus et l'amélioration continue.
The vision of our leaders
We must comply rigorously with each of these rules so that our working methods become increasingly secure.
Gauthier Louette
CEO and chairman, SPIE Group
Re-use IT is part of SPIE Switzerland's heritage of innovation, quality and respect for the environment. As the lifecycle of IT equipment accelerates, we offer a simple solution to optimise resources and encourage their responsible reuse
Savoy Pierre
Pierre Savoy
CEO, SPIE Switzerland

Discover our three service areas

SPIE has three major areas of expertise:  information and communication technologies (ICS), multi-technology solutions (MTS), integral facility services (IFS).

Information Communication Services (ICS)

Entrust us with your IT infrastructure and business processes. From its beginnings to its expansion, we support the development of your business.

Multi-Technical Services (MTS)

We design, build and bring to life innovative, sustainable solutions for cities, infrastructure, factories and homes.

Integral Facility Services (IFS)

The technical, infrastructure and commercial management of your buildings is our speciality. We look after them, supply them with energy, and maintain installations.